Our values shape the way we work, interact and grow together.

Shared values serve as the glue that binds individuals or groups together in pursuit of common goals, fostering cooperation, commitment, and ultimately, success. Our Values are important to us because they help us create an environment where we operate with a shared understanding of:

Alignment of Purpose: When everyone involved shares the same values, there's a unified sense of purpose driving their actions towards achieving the goal.

Collaboration and Teamwork: When people share values, they are more likely to respect each other's perspectives, communicate effectively, and work together harmoniously.

Motivation and Commitment: When individuals believe in the values underlying the goal, they are more likely to be personally invested in its success and remain committed, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.

Consistency in Decision-Making: Shared values serve as a guiding framework for decision-making processes. When faced with choices or dilemmas, individuals can refer back to the shared values to make decisions that are aligned with the overarching goal.

Cohesion and Trust: When people know that others share their values, they are more likely to trust each other's intentions and abilities, leading to smoother interactions and increased productivity.

Adaptability and Resilience: In dynamic environments where goals may need to adapt or evolve over time, shared values provide a stable foundation upon which to build resilience. Even as goals shift, the shared values remain constant, providing stability and guidance amidst change.

Enhanced Communication: When individuals understand and share the same values, communication becomes more efficient as there is less room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation.

How we use our values to drive our work

By using our values to guide us, our partnerships create opportunities for meaningful relationships that are rooted in what truly matters. This approach not only increases the chances of achieving your goals but also promotes personal growth, resilience, and satisfaction along the way. We do this by ensuring our:

Code of Conduct: Our core values are not negotiable and have been cultivated through years of collaboration with individuals and families. We firmly believe that these values reflect the desires of our participants and are shared by our partners and their employees, and are what matters most in delivering high quality support.

Quality Partnerships: Each of our partners and their employees have been selected and carefully vetted to ensure that they align with our values. Our partners are committed to continuously improving and working intentionally to achieve shared goals.

Individualised Priorities: By stripping back the unnecessary structures evident in most human service organisations, we prioritise the individual goals of participants. Goals that are closely aligned with what matters most to participants, are likely more meaningful and motivating, driving you to pursue them with greater dedication and enthusiasm.

Local Decision Making: Our partnership approach to providing support embeds decision-making at a local level. Whilst there are some non negotiables, we create teams that are empowered to make decisions based on individual needs and not organisational priorities.

Investment in Relationships: Cultivating the right connections and support networks is crucial for embodying a Person-Centered Approach. We acknowledge that our partners and their team members are our greatest assets, and we actively reward their contributions, fostering cohesive teams that collaborate purposefully.

Communication: When things go wrong we can typically trace this back to poor communication. Too many people being involved or the right people not being present when decisions are made. Partners work alongside participants and are closely connected to their goals, and understand their individual needs and circumstances, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards common objectives.

Building Accountability: We expect and set high standards for our partners to uphold and are continuously looking for ways to improve. Participants, partners and their employees are provided with secure systems to regularly review their individual progress and monitor the quality of support.

Celebrating Successes: We Celebrate achievements, recognising and rewarding progress towards goals.

Growth and Learning: We recognise that things may not always unfold as expected, and at times, we might encounter mistakes. These moments are valuable opportunities for learning and development, helping us to refine our strategies and enhance our skills for future success.